Privacy Policy


1) Overview:

This Privacy Policy delineates the data collection procedures by Finsight Tech through our mobile applications and its subsequent utilization. Our product categories encompass "Photography, Video, Entertainment, Tools, Utility, Personalization." These apps are exclusively designed for user entertainment. We consistently enhance all apps, providing periodic updates to resolve issues, bugs, and introduce new features, aiming for a seamless user experience.

2) Information Collection:

We acquire information from various services like Google Analytics and Google Play. This comprises device details (hardware model, operating system version), but no unique identification. Additionally, certain services assign a unique application number, alongside installation information (e.g., operating system type, app version), and we use anonymous identifiers in interactions with services such as advertising platforms.

3) Collection of Personal Information:

We may gather personal information like Name, Email Address, Mailing Address, and Phone Number. We might employ this information to update you about website changes, communicate account-related matters, or share news, promotions, and special offers.

4) Non-Personal Information:

Non-personal data may be collected to comprehend user behavior, address product/service issues, and enhance our offerings and advertising strategies. This includes non-personal specifics like installed application names, package names, installed data, usage frequency, country, device details, and channel. If combined with personal information, we treat this amalgamated data as personal as per this Privacy Policy. We utilize the gathered data to enhance our applications and might share aggregated, non-personally identifiable information with partners like publishers and advertisers. Our Privacy Policy might be periodically revised, always safeguarding your rights.

5) Third-Party Sites:

Our Applications, Services, and Site may access third-party data (e.g., Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram) via application interfaces. We might furnish links to third-party websites (e.g., Facebook) as a service. These sites, even if co-branded, are not managed by us, and this Policy doesn't cover their privacy practices. We're not liable for the privacy actions of third-party websites linked to or accessible from our Applications, Services, or Site.

6) Security Measures:

We prioritizes safeguarding your information's confidentiality. We do not gather Personal Information and deploy administrative, physical, and electronic safeguards to protect your Non-Personal Information. However, absolute prevention of unauthorized access or use of Non-Personal Information is not guaranteed by any security measures we undertake.

7) Privacy Policy Changes:

Any alterations in our Privacy Policy will be promptly posted on this page. It's advisable to periodically review this Policy for updates. If modifications aren't acceptable to you, discontinuing use of our Applications, Services, or Site is your recourse. Continued usage post-modifications indicates acceptance of the revised Policy.

8) In-App Advertisements:

We utilize Google Admob and Facebook Audience Network SDK for in-app advertising. Programming errors might occasionally occur and result in unintended effects. Refer to Facebook Ads Privacy Policy here:

Refer to Admob Ads Privacy Policy here : 

9) Contact Information:

If You have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, or if You wish to exercise your rights in respect of your personal data, please email to

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